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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Your Pick For GOP Nomination -

Your Pick For GOP Nomination -

Check out this bumper sticker

if you have one you'd like to share let me know.I put up an entry tonight and accidentally hit delete. Will rewrite tomorrow and make sure it gets posted.
For now,how bout this bumper sticker?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Crisis of Crises by Herman Cain

By: Herman Cain

March 6th, 2011

After two months of the new 112th Congress, they and the president have managed to keep the government going for another two weeks. Wow! There’s only six-and-a-half more months to go in this fiscal year. They are really on the ball!

The workers who landed one of those 192,000 jobs created last month to bring the unemployment rate down to 8.9 percent have got to be celebrating. I am happy for them and hope they are not so deep in debt that they can still avoid personal bankruptcy. We now only have to create another 14,808,000 jobs for the unlucky ones who could not find a job because the economy is still stalled.

He’ll pick up the tab.

Or how about those two war ships the president dispatched to the Middle East? That ought to scare those dictators into doing the right thing. And maybe the war ships will convince Gadhafi that the United States will get the United Nations to do something other than issue another toothless verbal condemnation. Maybe Gadhafi will stop killing his own people in defiance of those wanting him gone.

The turmoil in the Middle East has already caused gasoline prices to rise, and they will continue to rise. We can’t blame the Obama administration for that because Former President George W. Bush should have developed an energy-independence strategy.

Then, President Obama would not have to make any decisions during our coming energy crisis.

Yes! An energy crisis is coming! Because we have shut down the development of the energy resources we have right here in the United States of America.

We are the OPEC of natural gas and coal, but we don’t want to offend the environmental wackos who don’t believe we can develop these resources responsibly. And while we are creating this self-induced energy crisis, let’s continue the moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf, while China, Cuba and the rest of the countries in the world (who do not like us) suck as much oil out of that area as they can before our so-called government leaders wake up.

Even though ObamaCare is a disaster, the administration wants to roll it out anyway. Never mind that the majority of the American people are against it and that a majority of the states have joined in a lawsuit to declare it unconstitutional.

In 2008, President Obama said deficits don’t matter. We now have the highest national debt in our history and we are on the brink of national financial collapse. By the way, how are those “shovel ready” projects working out for us?

If the possibility of a government shutdown, out of control federal spending, a chronically high unemployment rate, a stalled economy, failed stimulus spending, the uncertainty about the crisis in the Middle East and the coming energy crisis do not get your attention, then how about the recently released Government Accounting Office (GAO) report?

The Government Accounting Office has identified over $200 billion in government waste and overlapping programs. In Washington, that’s not real money because it’s not their money. But around kitchen tables, where real people struggle to make ends meet, that’s $2,500 for a family of four to help pay for the increasing cost of gasoline and other necessities.

If my sarcasm was not so close to the truth and the facts about the crises we face were not so compelling, then we could all sleep soundly at night. Unfortunately, I can’t, because it is not about us. It’s about our grandchildren.

We have a crisis of crises. This is insane!

If we keep sending the same people to Washington who keep doing the same things and expecting a different result, then we ARE insane.

We need to send somebody else to the White House. We need a new kind of leadership. In fact, we just need some leadership.


Herman Cain in Iowa

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Herman Cain Makes Yahoo News!

Mr Cain is creating a buzz in Iowa.
Yahoo:Former pizza chain CEO mulling presidential run

DES MOINES, Iowa – Most Americans haven't heard of Herman Cain, the former head of a chain of pizza restaurants who is considering seeking the Republican presidential nomination.

But in Iowa, home to the nation's first presidential caucuses, Cain has caught the attention of conservative activists influenced by the tea party movement who aren't bothered by candidates who have succeeded in business but have never held a public office.

"He's creating quite a buzz," said former Iowa Republican Party Chairman Richard Schwarm. "He is someone Iowa caucus-goers are going to take very seriously."
Read Story Here:http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110306/ap_on_el_ge/us_cain_iowa_2

Friday, March 4, 2011

Key Note Adress,Clark County Lincoln Day Dinner

Tomorrow, Herman Cain will offer the keynote address at the Clark County Lincoln Day Dinner in Las Vegas. Click here for more information or to purchase tickets: TICKETS

In Defense of American Exceptionalism

[b]In Defense of American Exceptionalism
From the American Spectator

By Herman Cain from the March 2011 issue

There is no denying it: America is the greatest country in the world. We are blessed with unparalleled freedoms and boundless prosperity that for generations have inspired an innovative and industrious people. America is exceptional.

American Exceptionalism is the standard that our laws reflect the understanding that we are afforded certain God-given rights that can never be taken away. We know that God, not government, bestows upon us these inalienable rights, and because of that, they must not be compromised by the whims of man. This makes us a unique nation, a nation that remains, as President Ronald Reagan once said, "a model and hope to the world."

Unfortunately, some politicians have either forgotten or chosen to ignore the glory of our founding. In April 2009, President Obama told a reporter in Strasbourg, France: "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism." In saying this, the president implied that American Exceptionalism is nothing terribly special and instead simply chalked it up to the romanticism of patriotism.

Americans know better. We see American Exceptionalism not as an empty cry for nationalism, but instead, the blessings of God that keep our nation strong, independent, and free. We see the American story as one of tenacity and triumph, not as one inherently flawed and in need of rewriting. We recognize the times we have stumbled but are assured that it is not due to weakness of our foundation, but instead, the imperfection of mankind.

Most importantly, conservatives see America as exceptional because of our shared belief in the dignity and creativity of the individual. We know that it is innately human to work, to risk, and to dream. We understand that these virtues, coupled with the conditions American Exceptionalism provides, allow us to enjoy the economic and social mobility that other countries envy. Liberals lament that such success wasn't guaranteed.

At its very core, progressivism rejects American Exceptionalism. Progressives view the Constitution as a roadblock, as they seek an unlimited federal government with more authority than the states and more power than the people. Because they strive for a limitless federal government, they are willing to sacrifice the rugged individualism that has made this nation exceptional in exchange for the collective salvation they believe a vast government provides. And the darling of the progressive movement is, of course, President Obama.

"Let me be clear," President Obama: America is the greatest nation on Earth. We are not just any other nation, and we are certainly not analogous to our friends in Europe and elsewhere. Our exceptionalism is forever ingrained in our founding documents that spell out exactly the roles of the federal government in relation to individual rights and states' rights.

Truth is eternal, and simply ignoring the truths of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution won't make them go away. And frankly, there are enough Americans, including me, who love it and our country far too much to allow our exceptionalism to be bartered for further expansion of an already out-of-control federal government. [/b]
[b][i]Source:[/i][/b][url=http://spectator.org/archives/2011/03/03/in-defense-of-american-excepti]The American Spectator[/url]

Monday, February 28, 2011

Herman Cain;Weekly Commentary

Unions and their collective disregard for taxpayers by Herman Cain
February 27th, 2011 Herman Cain
The mayhem in Madison, Wisconsin over the last two weeks has highlighted the determination of organized labor unions to continue to restrict workers rights, and to try to intimidate Gov. Scott Walker and the taxpayers into some more unsustainable demands.


Choosing to join a union versus being forced to do so as a condition of employment is a restriction on a worker’s rights. Joining a union or any other organization should be an individual’s choice. And the desire of the unions to continue to make unsustainable demands on local, state and federal government irrespective of the devastating financial impacts is totally illogical, not to mention being a collective disregard for the nearly 90 percent of the workers and taxpayers who pay them.

For years in some states, the unions have consistently helped elect Democratic governors and legislatures who have said “thank you” by passing union-favored legislation for the benefit of the unions and the re-election of their Democratic friends. The Democrats would then find ways to pass these favors and demands on to the taxpayers in the form of higher taxes. And when the Democrats could not raise taxes high enough and fast enough, they would create deficits and future commitments to force future tax increases.

Little by little, this political favoritism has made the disparity between total compensation for public-sector employees and private-sector employees bigger and bigger – and unsustainable.

Then in Wisconsin, Republican Gov. Scott Walker and a Republican state legislature got elected after eight years of Democratic control in the governor’s office and the state legislature. Governor Walker announced to the public that Wisconsin is broke! Instead of letting the state’s credit card continue to go past its spending limit, he proposed a solution, which does not include raising taxes as the unions have forced the Democrats to do for many years.

The unions went ballistic and then launched a protest at the state capital. Their protests are intended to gain public support for their claims of destroying their collective bargaining rights, but there are no chants of how the unions have also confiscated the rights of their members, or how their demands will bankrupt the state.

Read the bill! Collective bargaining for wages is in the bill. The unsustainable benefits that would create a $3.6 billion deficit for the state of Wisconsin over the next two years, and tie the hands of local governments to balance their budgets, are changed. The proposed changes would still have public sector workers paying about half what their private-sector counterparts pay in contributions to their benefits packages.

And! Gov. Walker’s proposal would return the decision to join a union to the workers, which is the case in right-to-work states.

There are 22 right-to-work states. Their average GDP growth is higher than non right-to-work states, their unemployment rate is lower, and most of the private sector workers are happy with their employers. Otherwise, more of them would have joined private-sector employee unions based on the choice to do so, free and open elections, and the opportunity to cast secret ballots.

Even at the federal level, the unions have been trying to restrict workers’ rights by taking away the secret ballot in union elections with the proposed Card Check legislation. And although union bosses would deny it, eliminating the secret ballot would give them another avenue to intimidate people into voting for unionizing.

The courage of Gov. Walker to truly represent the people paying the bills is showing up in other states. The taxpayers who pay taxes to their state and the federal government are tired of all the chairs around the negotiating table being all on one side of the table.

Taxpayers are now being represented on the other side of the table.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Herman Cain CAN Win!

Now if we don't let the GOP do a Coronation and the people speak Herman Cain WILL be the nomination for the Rep ticket and he CAN win the WH in 2012.
The GOP has this habit(as does the Dem party btw)of picking their winners and then crowning them.
Not this time. Herman Cain is a man of the people.Straight speaking,intelligent,amiable and with leadership qualities he's just the person we need.He's not a politician(thank God)but he's had enough life experience and business experience to be our George Washington.PLS PLS help us get this man elected.
Our country needs someone like him.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Check out the Message Board

More Videos and News to come.Be sure and visit the official Herman Cain Presidential Exploratory Committee site. I'm sorry i keep bringing this up but it's very important.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Leadership Requires Leadership

By: Herman Cain
February 21, 2011

All of the attempts by the media to make stories out of the budget battles going on in Washington D.C. will not change the bottom line of how it will end up, no matter how many ways they try to create a story. Namely, the taxpayers will get stuck with more debt and more taxes again.

After all of the political punches are thrown, President Obama will get some of the unnecessary spending and tax increases he wants, the Democrats will get some of the wasteful spending and tax increases they want, the Republicans will get some of the spending cuts they want, and once again the overall deficit will continue to add to the national debt using the taxpayers’ credit card.

That’s not leadership.

Unlike what Obama has proposed, Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin is actually leading boldly to help get Wisconsin’s budget balanced. Governor Walker has proposed that public sector workers, mostly unionized, pay a portion of their health insurance, and a modest portion of their retirement contributions.

That sparked an uproar with demonstrations at the state capital by the unions last week, because their position is to give in on nothing even though the state is broke. The problem has been ignored for years and Gov. Walker has proposed a bold solution as a start to fixing the problem. That’s leadership.

My North Star National colleague Dan Calabrese last week cited Michigan’s Governor Rick Snyder as doing the same thing. Leading! Tell people the whole truth, and propose and explain a real solution instead of another “I want to be re-elected” band-aid.

President Obama’s proposed budget does not follow the example of Governors Walker and Snyder. The president’s proposal just continues to kick the can down the road without a serious solution.

His claim of a $1.1 trillion deficit reduction over 10 years is certainly not a serious solution. That so-called reduction is about a 1 percent reduction per year, which will be eaten up by inaccuracies in the projections and rounding errors. When you compare the 1 percent per year to the annual deficits of over 70 percent per year for the last two years, that’s not a solution and that’s not leadership.

Being in a leadership position without leading is called position-ship.

And when you truly lead, you will be criticized because working on the right problems, setting the right priorities, surrounding yourself with the right people, and developing the right plans will not make everybody happy. This is especially true when it means cutting back on somebody’s pet project, such as, the pet projects of each member of Congress.

The 535-member Congress was not intended to be the leadership in Washington, D.C. Their job is to help maintain balance of power, advise the president, approve or disapprove legislation where needed, and repeal unwanted or unnecessary legislation. As Speaker John Boehner so appropriately stated, the president has to lead, and more importantly, lead the nation on behalf of the people in the right direction. A 535-member committee cannot lead.

Clearly, President Obama is in re-election mode. He may be “talking to the center” ideologically as some of the political pundits are claiming, but his liberal actions have barely moved. Just consider the fact that he and his support organizations are backing the union protesters against Governor Walker, and he is expected to do the same when other governors are forced to make some of the same tough choices in order to balance their state budgets.

Governors Walker and Snyder have chosen leadership. President Obama has chosen position-ship.

The American people will choose a leader in 2012.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Why I'm Backing Herman Cain

I had a short list of possibles.They are still on my list,but it's getting shorter. Tim Pawlenty,Newt Gingrich and possibly Rick Santorum. Top of the list is Herman Cain.
The field is wide open on the Rep side and that makes it great-more to choose from.It also makes it difficult unless someone really comes charging in.Maybe it's too early for that.However, i had one shoot up right to the top of my list and that was Herman Cain. A candidate par excellence. I'll keep the others on this list but i have no doubt in my mind that Herman Cain is the one i'll support for the nomination and definitely for the WH.
For now,he has a Presidential Exploratory Committee.This is the first step.Let's get that underway,k?
Now,to explain why he jumped to no 1 and no equivocation. 
1. The man is experienced in the real world. He hasn't been in that Washington bubble ever.His list of accomplishments is nothing short of spectacular.
2. He has run a business and has turned one around;Godfather Pizza. He was given a vote of confidence by other businessmen. 
3. He beat cancer.My mother died of cancer and i know first hand what a battle that is. (This one's for you mom!)
4.He has a great sense of humor and while that may not solve foreign policy problems,it tells me a lot about a person.
5.He's a man of principle.He won't stick his finger up in the air to check the direction of the wind.
6.Character,Integrity,Honesty and Brillance. You can be very intelligent(he is)and lack character,honesty and integrity. He's got it all.
7.Common Sense.Is he perfect? Nope.I'm not looking for a Messiah.I"m looking for a viable candidate.
8.Spread the word.

About Herman Cain

the story of Herman Cain from Herman Cain himself:

About Herman Cain: My Story

I was raised in Atlanta, Georgia by loving and hardworking parents. We grew up poor, but we grew up happy. Things weren’t always easy, but my mom and dad knew that if they kept their faith in God, faith in themselves and their faith in the greatest country in the world, they, too, could achieve their American Dream.

That dream, we discovered, was for my parents to own their own home and watch their two sons graduate from college. Those dreams required that my father work three jobs to support our family.

The first dream was realized in a brick home on Albert Street. I can still recall the excitement of the day, as he surprised us—even my mother—when he drove us to our new home.

Their second dream was realized when I proudly accepted my degree in mathematics from Morehouse College in 1967 and my brother graduated from Morris Brown College. Both of my father’s American Dreams were achieved. Now, I set off to achieve mine.

One year after graduating, I married the love of my life, Gloria. And together, we started our journey to achieve our Dreams. This meant relocating to Indiana where I would begin my Master’s degree program at Purdue University, while working full-time as a mathematician at the Department of the Navy.

After earning my Master’s degree and six years working for the Department of the Navy, we returned home to Atlanta, where I began to climb the corporate ladder with the Coca-Cola Company. I faced challenges, but I always remembered the values my parents taught me. With enough faith and determination, I knew I could go as high in corporate America as I desired.

I enjoyed a successful career at the Coca-Cola Company and later moved to the Pillsbury Company. Within a short period, I rose to the position of Vice President. When I got there, I thought I had already achieved my American Dream on the 31st floor of the new Pillsbury Corporate Headquarters with a corner office. But I quickly realized I wanted something more.

I resigned my position and started on another path- the restaurant industry. I knew that in order to be successful, I had to start from “the ground up.” This meant broiling hamburgers at Pillsbury’s Burger King division. After nine months of a grueling restaurant experience, I was assigned to lead a low performing region of 450 Burger King restaurants. Within three years, we became the best-performing region in the U.S.

I could have been content with my executive role with one of America’s biggest corporations. Instead, after consulting with my wife, we decided to take one of the biggest risks of our marriage: picking up our young family, relocating yet again and accepting the call to become CEO and President of Godfather’s Pizza, a company teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

In 14 months, we turned the company around and returned it to profitability, and I ultimately led my management team to a buyout of Godfather’s Pizza. The company never went bankrupt, and today, there are still hundreds of locations across the U.S.

My success at turning around Godfather’s got the attention of fellow restaurateurs around the nation who invited me to join the Board of Directors of the National Restaurant Association and later elected me its chairman. In 1996, they retained me as the full-time President and the CEO of the National Restaurant Association, working on behalf of thousands of small businesses and entrepreneurs.

In 1994, as chairman of the National Restaurant Association, I had the opportunity to speak with President Clinton during a nationally televised town hall meeting. Here, I challenged the President regarding the impact on businesses if his health care overhaul proposal were passed.

President Clinton attempted to assure me and the millions of viewers watching at home that his legislation would not harm American business owners and their employees.

I was skeptical. “Quite honestly Mr. President, your calculations are incorrect,” I said. “In the competitive marketplace, it simply doesn’t work that way.”

Through these and other appearances on behalf of the National Restaurant Association, I began working with business leaders across all sectors of the American economy. This led to my acceptance of a position on the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, and I was subsequently elected their chairman.

Today, I host a radio talk show, “The Herman Cain Show,” on Atlanta’s WSB 750 AM/ 95.5 FM. I serve as a regular contributor on several broadcast networks and as a keynote speaker at conferences and events around the nation.

Despite the many professional commitments of my life, I continued to enjoy most the time spent with family and friends. As my children got married and had their own children, I knew that I had an extraordinary obligation to do what I could to make this a safe and prosperous nation for them. The paramount joys in my life are my wife, Gloria, our children and our grandchildren.

I am grateful for the many professional successes I have enjoyed. I am grateful for the steadfast loyalty and unwavering love of my family and friends. And I am grateful for this country that is so exceptional that I was afforded the opportunity to achieve my American Dreams.

I’m not done yet!

Source:  Herman Cain Pres Exploratory Commitee