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Monday, February 14, 2011

Why I'm Backing Herman Cain

I had a short list of possibles.They are still on my list,but it's getting shorter. Tim Pawlenty,Newt Gingrich and possibly Rick Santorum. Top of the list is Herman Cain.
The field is wide open on the Rep side and that makes it great-more to choose from.It also makes it difficult unless someone really comes charging in.Maybe it's too early for that.However, i had one shoot up right to the top of my list and that was Herman Cain. A candidate par excellence. I'll keep the others on this list but i have no doubt in my mind that Herman Cain is the one i'll support for the nomination and definitely for the WH.
For now,he has a Presidential Exploratory Committee.This is the first step.Let's get that underway,k?
Now,to explain why he jumped to no 1 and no equivocation. 
1. The man is experienced in the real world. He hasn't been in that Washington bubble ever.His list of accomplishments is nothing short of spectacular.
2. He has run a business and has turned one around;Godfather Pizza. He was given a vote of confidence by other businessmen. 
3. He beat cancer.My mother died of cancer and i know first hand what a battle that is. (This one's for you mom!)
4.He has a great sense of humor and while that may not solve foreign policy problems,it tells me a lot about a person.
5.He's a man of principle.He won't stick his finger up in the air to check the direction of the wind.
6.Character,Integrity,Honesty and Brillance. You can be very intelligent(he is)and lack character,honesty and integrity. He's got it all.
7.Common Sense.Is he perfect? Nope.I'm not looking for a Messiah.I"m looking for a viable candidate.
8.Spread the word.

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